Ok, so it's not quite summer yet, but it sure felt like it this past weekend. And I didn't know this about myself, but I realize my mood is considerably affected by the weather. Seeing the sun shining and feeling the warmth on my skin makes me so incredibly happy! And according to a Harvard study, happiness prevents heart attacks for Type A personalities like me:
I am excited for the new season!
So finals are just around the corner, and tonight is the last night of my final first year law school class: Contracts. My least favorite class of all. After tonight, all we have are three finals left and then I get two days of freedom before summer classes start. Whoo hoo!
In celebration of the new season, I started wearing my beloved stiletto sandals to work. Here is a pair I got from the Mission District last weekend- the ones I thought I'd never wear:
I am in love with these shoes.
To celebrate the warmth, we also had dinner at Lounge on 20 and had some street tacos, fries, and this dessert called pb and j- which is not a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, but something fancy and very delicious:
Another thing I'm excited about is that I've been able to run faster finally. I've been running a 9 minute per mile pace for years now, and I've finally gotten into the 8 minute per mile range. It feels good to know that all my years of running are helping me to run faster.
It's been 4 weeks since I chopped all my hair off and it was time to go in for a trim. This time, I wanted to make sure we go REALLY short. So I asked Laurel to shave my whole head. She paused and said, trust me, you don't want to do that. So I said, ok, do your thing.
So what she did was shave my head except the top, and left some hair for me to spike and style. When she was done, at first I was scared because I realized it really was incredibly short and I realized how much I look like a boy. Hair grows, I told myself, and my hair grows fast.
After a couple of days, I felt ok about it. My hair does grow fast, and it's kinda fun being a boy for a while. I always thought I'd be better at being a boy than a girl. And, if I were a boy, I suppose my boy name would be Eli.
I also discovered a great product that is cheap and does wonders for my hair when I am trying to style it. I highly recommend it to any guy or girl with short, spiky hair:
This stuff is the best. In the past month, I've experimented with all kinds of pomade, gel, texturizer, hair spray, etc to style my short hair. And for a couple of bucks, this stuff is the winner. A fun fact about this product is that it was created in the 1920's. The only drawback is that you have to wash your hands a couple of times after using it because it's extremely sticky but it works amazingly to shape and style your hair.
I got a call today from the body shop saying my car is finally ready for pick up!
Here's to short hair, warm weather, and not crashing my car anymore! And finals...
One more thing- so bummed that Metta World Peace went back to being Ron Artest. I was rooting for him big time.