Turns out my CPA not only botched my checking account and home address, but messed up on my employee identification number too. So my tax filing never even made it to the IRS. He botched everything important on my tax return form. Address, checking account number, employee identification number. Where the hell is a 94250 zip code? I called my mom to tell her that she needs to fire her CPA and she started to point out that it was partially my mistake too. My blood was boiling and it took all of me not to hang up on her. I told her this and she said, just hang up, we're done. Geez! I could scream right now. Even Obama would lose patience with this nonsense.
But I won't. As long as this gets sorted and I get my money, I'll be all good.
So far, I've been on a fast track again, so as soon as spring semester was done, I dove right into summer school the Monday immediately following my last final. It's been tough trying to read ahead for a class that meets every night of the week and we have 50-100 pages assigned each night with plenty of cases to brief. At least it's Criminal Procedure and we're studying the 4th, 5th, and 6th Amendment, which means that the cases we are reading are relevant to how the Constitution is interpreted. So it's more interesting than Contracts and Torts has ever been.

We are on the part about searches and seizures and warrants and reasonableness and probable cause. Pretty interesting stuff. We're already in our second week and the whole class is only three weeks long. So it will go by fast and then I get to start my next summer class which is another 4 weeks. And then I'll be free for a month, kinda.
It's been a really packed schedule for me lately, it hasn't slowed down one bit. I have all kinds of upcoming trips planned too. I feel bad because I just don't have time to catch up with everybody and I have to turn down a lot of invitations. I know that sounds bad, like I'm full of myself, but I'm really not. I'm just saying that I can't live a normal life partaking in normal things. But at least I am trying my best to be social and forcing myself to find the time to show my friends I love em. I had to tell a guy, a friend that I don't consider that close, to text me in about three years. I had to do it, because he kept texting and I just didn't have time to respond because responding would require me to engage in longer textual conversations with him and I just don't have the time to do that with someone who isn't a family member or a closer friend. And, I have to say this: if you text me over and over and over and OVER again and I don't respond- can't you get the HINT? I mean, don't think I'm just playing hard to get when you've been texting me for weeks and weeks and I don't respond to you even once. Also, no response does not mean "please send me weird pictures of yourself." Yes, he sent me pictures of himself. Thankfully not naked ones. But it was just as lame. And it was more than once. I wouldn't ever respond. And he kept on texting. And sending pictures of his face trying to look all suave with fedora hats and straws in his mouth or some weird shit like that. Who does that??? Ugh I had to get that off my chest.
The month I have off in July, every single weekend is already booked and planned for. I am hoping to fit in a hike to Whitney with my brother either the first or last week of July, and we are going to New York City the third weekend.
In August, I'm going to see my gramma in Korea with my dad. In September I am taking Paul to see the Barnes Collection in Philadelphia.
This Barnes guy was this rich guy, who bought up all this art, even when it was controversial to do so, and wanted art students to have access to it. Eventually his philosophy evolved and he wanted everyone to see it and finally after decades, his art will now be open for public viewing exactly the way he had it arranged in his mysterious mansion home. We learned about it in a documentary we saw at Crest Theatre and told ourselves we will be sure to go see it when it opens. That was years ago. And now it is finally opening and we have plane tickets to go see the Barnes Collection!
This weekend, I will try fitting in a week's worth of reading and case briefing and head down to the city to check out the Carnaval Parade Sunday morning. In between all that, I have lunches and dinners planned with loved ones, and all of the errands and chores that need to be done. Go go go.

Despite the fact that my schedule barely allows me to breathe, I am anxiously anticipating the day my little Sara returns from France. She comes back on June 22! I miss her so much it hurts. Seeing her face and laughing with her would make me sooo happy. This is the last time I saw her, Christmas 2011.

This past weekend, despite the studies, I got to take a drive up to Lassen with Paul and see the solar eclipse from a mountainside. The drive was long, but I love road trips with Paul. He's one of the only people in the world I enjoy long drives with, and we listened to some good music while laughing and having a good time getting excited about the eclipse.

After checking out the eclipse, we drove up to the trailhead of Mount Lassen in hopes of hiking to the summit but discovered that the snow level was surprisingly high and I was in some short shorts and sandals. We didn't have the proper hiking equipment. Some people were in skiis and snow shoes. My phone died so I couldn't take pictures but here's a google search image of Lassen:
We will have to go back to do that hike some other day. It looked like a good hike though. I am determined to go back. The drive back was long and we got home at midnight, but it was so worth it. I realize I am missing out on so much fun because of school, and it makes me so sad. There's so much I want to do, but it is all being sacrificed for school. I think I may need to take next summer off so that I can somehow preserve my sanity.
Wow, I'm still on hold...
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